Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh, The Places We Would Go!

If you've had a chance to keep up with Jay's blog, you'll know that he is currently on a business jag in Southeastern Asia, with his work being done in Singapore and Vietnam. What a great opportunity! he must have heard about a thousand times in the weeks leading up to his trip. But isn't it so often the case that some of the most intense work you'll ever do in your job happens to be in the most exotic locations that you can be shipped off to. Regardless of who I've spoken to about these trips - family, friends, colleagues - its almost always the same. It would be such a cool place to visit, even for a fraction of the time, if only you actually had time to enjoy anything!! I think the only people that have been able to enjoy any time in any of the great places, are the directors and the owners. Well, forgive me if my tone sounds a little jaded, but, by then, you would have had all of the opportunities you could have ever wanted to take at that point in your career, ya think?

Now, you have to know that I say the preceeding with all of the envy that I can possibly shroud in innocent cynicism. Shoot yeah, I'd love to take a business trip to Singapore and Vietnam! Even if it was just for the plane ride and the authentic cuisine - I wouldn't pass it up for anything if I had the chance, would you? Even if I had to present some powerpoint piece that I had to fake my way through, and be subjected to the questions afterwards, I'd be there!

I know that Jay misses his family, but I also know Jay; between knowing him and reading his blog, he is most definitely making the most out of his travels. If you haven't checked out his blog yet, now would be a great time to do it.

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