Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Promised Pictures Providing Perspective and Piecemeal Painting Progress

This first picture is actually the fireplace wall when everything was just getting started, that was shown before, after the painting was done. This is just given as a little bit more perspective for the amount of work being done, and how much the little incremental changes make such a huge difference.

And the next picture is the same wall, with decorations and cleanup relatively complete.

And finally, the aforementioned closet, complete with a small remnant of the sea-foam, aquarium algae green left on the door to give some idea of the wonder that accompanies the incredulity of "why was this color ever used?" Imagine the entire closet covered with that yuck-o color! And, I know its just a closet, but isn't the white so much better to see, like when you first open the door in the morning to start your day with a choice of shirt or something?

Hhmmmmm -

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